Farsa Quixotesca



Cervantes was a Quixote. His troubled life and full of disappointment did not prevent him from dreaming and writing a work that penetrated deeply into the history of humanity. The madman who fights with windmills has the power of popular sayings that are quoted anywhere on the planet. From this incontestable universality we begin to conceive of our madness: a scene where Dulcinea, the beloved whom Quixote never met, told his vision of the hero of the sad figure.

Together with Hugo Possolo, from the Parlapatões, Patifes & Paspalhões, they left in this artistic adventure believing that what was ahead were not just windmills.


Text and direction: Hugo Possolo
Cast: Beto Andreetta, Marcelo Castro, Hugo Possolo, Raul Barreto
Junia Bush, Henrique Stroeter, Claudinei Brandão, Roberto Borovik

Téo Ponciano

Voice over:
José Celso Martinez Correa

Sound Track: Téo Ponciano

Costumes: Sonia Ushiyama

Hugo Possolo
Pia Fraus

Conception of light
Wagner Freire

Puppets Creation and props
Pia Fraus

Circus coordination
Domingos Montagner

Direction Assistance
Marcos Loureiro

Costumes confection
Leci Andrade, Maria de Lourdes, Antonia Ávilla

Scenery Painting
Luis Frúgoli

Puppets Confection and props:
José Toro-Moreno, Marcelo Stolai, Maria Cecília Meyer, Rosa Rodrigues


Alejandro Ferrari, Tudo Rústico Marcenaria

Gravino Metalúrgica, Jorge Mercante

Visual programming
Carlos de Arruda Camargo

Prodution and Administration
PiA FraUs